Do you often experience stress or pressure and do you need more peace and control in your life? Mindfulness can help you. By applying mindfulness in your life you learn to better deal with your emotions and to regulate your thoughts. You lay a foundation for making more conscious choices and you create space to organize your daily life in such a way that it fits to the most important things in life for you.
More than meditating
Mindfulness is not just about more peace and control in life. It’s also about noticing and appreciating the small moments. For example, a morning walk or a good cup of coffee before going to work can also be a form of mindfulness. Mindfulness is about paying attention to yourself without being distracted by the triggers of everyday life.
Training sessions
Group Training
You will not learn to apply mindfulness by only reading about it, but by practicing and, above all, experiencing it. During the 8-week group training you will learn to apply the most importants parts of mindfulness to your personal life.
Every week a new subject of the MBCT/MBSR* is discussed and you get started with the exercises. Between the training sessions we are always there for extra guidance, so you will not have the feeling you are practicing on your own.
*MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy) and MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)
In-Company Mindfulnesstraining
This 6-week training, developed by ‘The Mindfulness Exchange’ (a spin-off of Oxford University), brings mindfulness to the workplace! Emphasis is placed on practical exercises that can be used during work.
Keeps you on track
– Improves your productivity
– Improves your concentration and performance
– Improves the condition of body and mind
– Reduces stress and tention
– Multiplies happiness and appreciation from your own achievements
You want to delve into mindfulness, but rather not in a group?
During the individual trajectory you can follow training alone or together with a partner or friend. There is plenty of room to respond to individual questions and challenges.
With this training, just like in the group training, you will receive the entire core of Mindfulness and you will get started with the practice material.
Monthly Mindfulnesstrainingen
Every month The Flexible Mind organizes a training in which a specific theme is highlighted. You can register for one or more Monthly Mindfulness trainings via the calendar.
- The effects of meditation on your brain
- Meditate for a better night’s sleep
- Discover what really matters to you.
- The best posture(s) to meditate?
- Meditation at work

Walking meditation
Let’s go out! That you have to sit still for a meditation, on a small round pillow, next to a candle or just lit incense has of course long been an outdated thought. Meditating is ideal in the open air and you don’t even have to sit down. During our walking meditations we like to make you pause and focus on your body, mind and your environment. A walking meditation is possible in a forest or park, but just as well in the city center.
Try out a meditation on our Youtube– or Soundcloudkanaal channel.

What previous participants say about the 8-week training
Use the tips daily.
Now continuing by myself and luckily it works!